B.E.E.R. (Brothers Engaged in Enriching Relationship) is a monthly gathering of men at local craft breweries/eateries. Gatherings are mostly social with a conversation topic related to faith and life. If interested in upcoming gatherings, contact co-leaders Jordan Baker or Garry Menendez.

Women and W.I.N.E. (Women Inviting Narrative Explorations) is a beautiful multi-aged female fellowship of sharing and discussion. We are currently meeting in various locations within St John’s Lutheran Church. All women are warmly invited. Bring your own beverage, and if you would like, a snack to share.

Katie’s Sisters is St. John’s women’s ministry, celebrating sisterhood and the gift of vibrant relationship seen in Katie von Bora Luther, Martin Luther’s wife. Known as Dear Kate, she was mother of six, household manager, organizer of finances, master gardener, and beer brewer. The women of St. John’s seek to emulate her creativity in life and relationship.

Tyson House exists to serve the spiritual needs of students, faculty and staff of UT, by offering the campus community a vibrant Lutheran-Episcopal ministry led by students. If you would like to learn more about and/or how to get involved at Tyson House Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry, email Caitlynne Fox.

A Place At The Table (APATT) is a local non-profit feeding ministry. APATT uses our kitchen facility to prepare and serve hot meals as well as providing a place of welcome each Monday evening in our fellowship hall. Click HERE to volunteer your time.

Habitat for Humanity is an independent, nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry that partners with people of all beliefs. They build simple, decent, affordable homes in partnership with those in need. Volunteers and future homeowners provide the labor in building the homes. Tax deductible donations of money, land and materials are provided by individuals, organizations and corporations.
St. John’s Lutheran Church has committed to provide labor and funding to build a house every other year.

Family Promise of Knoxville, also known as Interfaith Hospitality Network, is a non-profit organization that provides shelter, meals and support to families without homes, in an effort to enable independence.
St. John’s provides congregational support to 1st Presbyterian Church, by sending a team of volunteers to cook and serve meals to families staying there, for 1 week, every 3 months.
If you would like more information about Family Promise of Knoxville, or would like to volunteer, please contact Alice Garrison or Phyllis Collins.

The Senior Nutrition “Mobile Meals” Program provides hot, nutritious meals to the homebound elderly delivered by volunteers Monday through Friday. St. John’s Lutheran Church volunteers serve at two of the 61 routes; people living at Guy B. Love Tower, and a driving route within the neighborhood around St. John’s Lutheran Church. In addition to serving meals, volunteers also check on the meal recipients, reporting any concerns regarding health or safety to the staff of the Knoxville-Knox County Community Action Committee Office On Aging for follow-up.
To learn more about Mobile Meals or to become a volunteer please contact Jennifer Oakes, Volunteer Meal Coordinator.