Holy Week is a series of services in which all are invited to consider the passion of Jesus Christ as he journeys to the cross, conquering death and inviting all into the glory of Resurrection.
At St. John’s, this journey begins with Palm Sunday as worship begins with a triumphant celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem; the children and choir support the experience with the Procession with Palms, though the cross looms. Worshippers depart in silence without Holy Communion which will be served on Maundy Thursday when the service continues.
Maundy Thursday is an intimate gathering in which we remember the example of Jesus who assumed the role of servant leader as he washed the feet of his disciples, took and blessed bread and wine, and served those around the table in the Upper Room. The gathered community acknowledges Jesus’ surrender to the dark events on the horizon with the Stripping of the Altar and singing of Psalm 22. Again, worshippers depart in silence, awaiting the continuation of worship on Good Friday.
Good Friday is a service of shadows in which Jesus’ crucifixion is remembered through Holy Scripture, intentional music, and candles extinguished to emphasize the growing darkness of forces that oppose the Love of God.
Easter Sunrise Worship begins in the historic Old Grey Cemetery, with bagpiper lending music to the birds who celebrate the Easter dawn. Moving to the sanctuary, friends join the St. John’s family to proclaim, “Jesus is risen; he is risen, indeed! Alleluia!” Scripture, organ music, prayer, and Holy Communion invite all to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. A light brunch follows in the Sparks Fellowship Hall.
Easter Festival Worship is a joyous celebration with scripture and proclamation; special music presented by Dr. Deborah Dunne Sousa, the St John’s Choir, and guest trumpeter; intentional involvement for children, and Holy Communion. Between services, all are invited to an Easter Brunch I the Sparks Fellowship Hall, as well as the Flowering of the Cross and an Easter Egg Hunt in the Courtyard.