DECEMBER 18, 2024
Holden Evening Service
6:30 pmAll are welcome!
DECEMBER 19, 2024
Homeless Persons' Memorial Service
For neighbors who want to remember their loved ones.
Candlelight Walk
6:00 pm
Volunteer Ministry Center
(511 N Broadway)
Homeless Memorial Service
6:30 pm
St. John’s Lutheran Church
(544 N Broadway)
We are eager to share the joy of worship with you here at St. John's Lutheran Church!
Regular Worship on Sundays in person: 9 am and 11 am
Services are streamed to our Facebook page and our YouTube channel.About us
A Place of Grace ... St. John's is an inclusive church that welcomes ALL GOD'S CHILDREN to worship, receive Holy Communion and participate in ministry and mission with us. Everyone is welcome! We are an ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) congregation and we confess our faith through the words of the Apostle's Creed.More than 30 active ministries at St. John's serve the needs of our congregation as well as those of our neighbors and surrounding communities and beyond. Men's and Women's groups, an active and vibrant Senior Ministry, retreat ministries, outreach ministries, community engagement activities and even cooking and bread-baking teams offer opportunities for fellowship and service throughout the year.